Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Justice: As I view It

There are different ways people view me. I meet hundreds of people a day and their perspective towards me is entirely different with one another; sometimes may be an extreme opposite. But the way I portray, according to me, is always the same, the way I am. So, the conclusion that people draw upon you after a brief meeting is their own way of thinking; which have nothing to do with you.

For example, I love laughing - with a huge laugh. Some people find it healthy, some people laugh with me and some laugh at me. It is the way they view the content "Laughing" in their lives. Some people might love laughing themselves and might hate others' doing the same thing. There are infinite people with infinite perspective towards this simple act "Laugh". Then imagine the things and actions you conduct in a single day. Sometimes it is frustrating to make everyone happy and convinced. And during the course of making everyone happy, you tend to forget yourself. You tend to forget your goal and zeal towards life. And this is injustice towards your life that you planted and grew yourself.
According to Amartya Sen (2009), he put his words very clearly in his book "The Idea of Justice" that there is considerable resistance to the idea that it must be patently irrational and stupid to try to do anything for others except to the extent that doing good to others would enhance one's own well-being. If you keep trying and keep doing things for others with no motivation and no self-enhancement; then you need to change your way of showering your kindness towards others and stop upsetting yourself for what you do. Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr (1963). once said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". And the first place you need to start is within yourself.
There are different ways to respect people and their decisions; but it does not have to be limited towards doing what the "respectable people" say you to do against your own will. Everyone in the universe deserves some respect, regardless of their age, color, caste, occupation, income and social position. The only thing that matters  and important in your life is your own happiness and self-satisfaction. Make a goal to develop yourself in a way that you, when you look back, will be proud of your actions and determinations. 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Changing Behavior Vs Changing the Religion

It has been a long time that I wanted to put this up together. I have heard, seen and met people who preach their own religion to increase the followers and sustain their religion. In one way it is perfectly fine. There is no harm in doing it. Taking the other way round, if you look at the humanitarian ground, a person needs to be ethical and this does not have to do anything with religion. Religion, in today's world, have merely been a reason to divide and create boundaries between each individual.
My point here is, no religion have ever said violence is good, no religion have ever tied you up and none of the Gods have ever said that you need to follow Him and none others. I have read books on Buddhism, Hinduism, Quran and Bible and the only thing I have understood from those is that you need to be faithful to yourself and do goodness to others.

The main theme of any religion is to make sure that people get reluctant on doing bad and committing crime. It is to engage their mind and behavior towards developing self-esteem and making oneself dependable. In any religion or culture, if you see when certain festival or occasion is approaching, people get busy on cleaning up and making their surrounding environment look better, serving the poor and needy ones, donating charity and so on. You do things that make you feel satisfied and happy, for your own peace of mind.
I have always preferred learning good from every religion and change my behavior for goodness. And I try to avoid doing things that might cause harm to myself and beings around me whom I care. I try to learn from my mistakes and take oath not to repeat it. To improve oneself, one needs to realize deep down the importance of humanity, ethics and belief.