Monday, September 28, 2015

The power of thoughts

We all have a huge mental power; filled with both positive and negative thoughts. Where we want to use that thoughts depend entirely on ourselves. If we use this power on good things, everything turns out to be wonderful. If we take too much stress, it is going to make us miserable and ruin our life. 

Sometimes we hear amazing stories of survival even after the doctors have given up. It is because of their positive attitude towards life. It is because they love their life and never give up to live it to the fullest.  

The more happier and more beautiful thoughts you have, the better your life is going to be. As well said by Ronald Dahl - "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sun beams and you will always look lovely". That is why meditation is scientifically proven to bring positive changes in human life. Meditation brings your heart, mind and soul in complete harmony, improving your power of concentration, intelligence and peace of mind. This ultimately leads you towards happiness. The connection of heart, mind and soul has been beautifully portrayed on a venn-diagram by Rafael Hernamperez Martin in 2013 as follows:
Life is full of highs and lows; success and failure; happiness and sadness. But we should never forget that one complements the other. It should be remembered that the day light shines after the dark night and the rainbow glows after the rainfall. Whatever the situation, we have the power to make it leap ahead or depress us. At the end everything is going to be a memory, both good and bad. So treasure every moment, have positive thoughts and sometimes just let it go.  

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life Lessons

Life is a wonderful gift. It turns out complete waste if you keep complaining more than living it to its fullest. Nobody and nothing in this world has a perfect journey. At some point one has to experience the situations that you pray not to occur to anybody. But that does not mean you stop living. You fall but that teaches you how to stand; you pray GOD and you feel your prayers are not answered but that helps you make yourself more stronger and independent; your love and trust gets broken but that opens a new path to meet a better person who you deserve; your friends get parted but does not limit you on making new ones. People move on and life goes on.

Start treasuring the best ones who supported you and loved you throughout your life; they are your HEROES and whom you should look up to. Always remember the most important thing is you having someone whom you love and who loves you. Feel lucky.

Now-a-days, people are selfish and cruel. It is not their fault. The world around us is so much on rush that it makes them so. These "I" centered individuals keep making fun and dominating "WE" centered individuals. Ironically the former wins the professional race than the latter. But the interesting fact shows that the former loses the race on personal and family happiness index. At the end what matters most is "Family"; "Happiness" and "Self-Satisfaction". 

For earning self-satisfaction always remember the kind words shared by Chico Xavier "Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning; anyone can start over and make a new ending". So, if you are not satisfied with the results, start over again and avoid repeating the same mistakes again. 

People say that life would be very boring if it was perfect and without mistakes. I agree but it is worth noting that the mistakes you make should never hurt any innocent. As much as you value yourself, value others and automatically your life will be filled with wonders. Always feel good about yourself, pamper and gift yourself whenever you feel like and always think positive. Life is too short to ponder on negative stuff and mistakes.

Happy Living!!