Thursday, August 21, 2014

Gender Equity as I Experience: Can Training Really Change You?

We do a lot of talking when it comes to gender equity. There are a lot of examples for that. I was in one of the training on Gender Equity and Social Inclusion, popularly known as GESI, organized by our organization at New Baneshwor. The training was going very well with lots of motivational songs, videos and policy formulation at the National Level until I heard the most notable word by the trainer himself which ruined the whole day; I would say the whole training.

One of the conversation started with: What we actually do at home and office to make GESI more practical? We were divided into groups for the group work. We tried to classify the work that the society still thinks what men should do and what women should. We explored nitty-gritty stuff. At the end we found that women were overloaded with work.

In the modern society, women want to be independent and want their right to work even outside the four walls of home. The result of the group work was shocking yet true. When summarized it was found that the work of men was to wake up, have tea, have breakfast, take kids to school, go to office, come back, have tea, meet friends at the colony, watch TV, eat dinner and sleep. In the case of women it was: wake up, prepare tea and breakfast, feed the family, eat breakfast, prepare kids for schools, go to office, pick up kids from school, back home, prepare tea, serve tea, help kids on homework, prepare dinner, serve dinner, eat dinner, clean up all the mess in the kitchen, watch TV and sleep. During weekends, it is worse for women - completely busy on cleaning, washing, bathing, cooking.

We had a huge discussion over it and were talking about making the most out of it. The men in the training committed on supporting their better half and the women committed on not being shy to ask for help. The trainer then said, "This is not going to last longer." We asked why? and his reply was, "I tried supporting my wife in household chores and my society did not let me to. I felt too embarrassed." This came as a shock to us.

I mean how on Earth can you be embarrassed for helping you mother, wife and sisters. They did not feel the same while cooking, cleaning your dishes and clothes. We blame the society and government for any thing. But we forget that it is us who build them. We are a part of it. It does not matter what others say. If you are doing good and it feels good inside, there should not be any stopping.
It is all about how you think and perceive. I would like to put this as a joint responsibility. It is huge concern that everyone should be involved because it is not a particular person's cup of tea. If you put on the glasses of equity, the whole world looks much better, with every person having their right to do what they put 100% for. The change should come from inside; after inner realization. Be brave enough to be the change so that you can share it with much pride.
Let us make this place a wonderful one with no discrimination, let us be Human, live the life the fullest and make others live in harmony too. 

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