Friday, October 30, 2015

Behind the Scene

Let's talk about the Movies. Everyone loves movies. I am just excited to talk about it, imagine if I get a chance to watch one. Anyways, let's move on to the point now. The characters you see in a movie are just the tip of an iceberg, they are the faces shown on the movie screen. There are less characters on the screen and more behind the scenes to make the movie perfect and watchable. Similar is the case with life, handling projects and achieving success.

I have seen and met people who credit themselves for achieving success, for completing a project and for having a happy life. On a contrary, if they meet with failure, what do they do? They simply point the finger on others and blame others. This blame game ruins both personal and professional life with your team. And when you need them the most, they are going to run away because nobody wants to be used and nobody wants to be a part of the team if they are not going to be given their share of credit.

As I grow professionally, I have even met people who work less, talk more and act like a king. Well if you want to be a king, you need your army and citizens and you need to be responsible. I wonder why people tend to forget this simple phenomenon that if you want to be a leader, you need followers and if you want to be a manager, you need a team to guide and lead.

Every task look easy on the superficial level. But when you go deep, you understand the essence of team work. There are meetings, planning, budgeting, communication, advocacy, activities and documentations that need to be delivered on time. If someone says that they are brilliant people with multi-tasking ability and conduct projects alone without a team then you might need to doubt on the output, outcome and impact of such projects. The project might be accomplished but it's long term sustainability and validity might be doubtful.

The projects that we work at the social and community level is highly influenced by the local population and political leaders. They are the main HEROES behind the scene who have the power to make or break the project. If they are positive, your project is going to be highly successful with maximum rate of sustainability. Otherwise, it is going to be a complete loss of investment. That is why we prefer to say that any project taken in the community is theirs rather than ours. This has two benefits. One it increases their ownership. Next, after the completion of the project, the community are willing to continue the project themselves increasing the possibility of sustainability.

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